COMPLETED) V2 Bugged Farm and Pools migration plan
This article is only for V2 Farms and Pools. V1 is not affected
We will explain the detail of how the unstaking and manual migration to the new V2 Farms and Pool will proceed.
The end goal is to get all the funds unstaked from the bugged V2 and staked into the new Farms and Pools run by the SmartChefv2.
These are the steps that we will be taking for the migration to happen:
1. Deploy new Deflation Controller
To allow for the addition of a deflation rule for this plan; we will change the actual contract temporarily, the new controller will allow us to set rules to burn up to 100% of tokens emitted by MasterChef (explanation above), this is an important step to ensure we don't affect the v2 token, other rules for sells/buys will be the same for this period of time.
2. Accelerating the unstaking and removing of new rewards
After implementation of the deflation controller rules, all SlimeV2 tokens sent by Masterchef (from all harvests and unstakes for SlimeV2 pool) will be burned. All withdraws from this period from SlimeV2 pool will be refunded. Also the blockRate emission will be increased x1000 (needed to accelerate users unstaking) and following that we will be updating pools with "massUpdatePools" function on contract, after that the block rate will be set to 0.034 again ( there will be no more rewards on harvest anymore).
Affected users from the SlimeV2 pool will be compensated with 100% of their rightful tokens that were burned from this process. The Block Rate emission will be increased x1000. This is an essential step required in order to enable and accelerate the ability for users to unstake.
Following this we will be updating pools using the "massUpdatePools" Function from the contract and the Block Rate will be set to 0.034 again, disabling any more rewards to be given during harvest anymore.
This way we enable all users to be able to unstake their funds, and prevent users from keeping their funds inside the pool to get new rewards thus speeding up the process.
After that, ALL users must unstake ALL of their balance from all their Farms and Pools. You are required to do a complete unstaking of funds, meaning you unstake the maximum amount.
⚠️Please unstake and withdraw EVERYTHING from ALL of your V2 Farm and Pools⚠️
Keeping any of your balance inside the pool/farm after doing an incomplete withdrawal will lead to needing to wait a longer time for you to be able to unstake your funds again.
3. Launching of new SmartChefv2 Contract
After consolidating reports from the community and doing our own analysis, we have found the solution to all the issues affecting V2. Internal testing has been conducted and all the bugs have been fixed. We have been working closely with our auditors and they are reviewing the new code to conduct their own testing in order to validate our results. Our github repository is:
Once we obtain positive feedback from the Auditors, we will relaunch new V2 Farms and Pools as soon as possible and allow everyone to farm to your heart's content.
As mentioned before, we are whitelisting all users who had Deposit Fees deducted on V2 Farm and Pools.These affected users will have 0% Deposit Fee on their first deposit into the relevant Farm/Pool in the new SmartChefv2 Contract
The new MasterChef (SmartChefv2) will check a user's previous deposit information and IF the same user stakes in THE SAME (NEW) Farm or Pool that deducts fees, ZERO fees will be applied for ONE deposit.
This Whitelisting is automatic as we will be scanning the information from the Blockchain
Old V2 Farms and Pools will NOT provide rewards
⚠️⚠️⚠️Unstake and withdraw EVERYTHING from ALL of your old V2 Farm and Pools⚠️⚠️⚠️
Go to the new V2 page to stake your tokens.
For users who previously had Deposit Fees deducted from them, now if you stake in the SAME new Farm or Pool, only the FIRST staking will deduct ZERO fees for the first 20 hours after the new V2 farms & pools are made available for staking. The 0% deposit fees will be for 12hours farming rewards start with the conditions mentioned above. Subsequent stakes on any Farm or Pools with Deposit fees will work as per normal.
Let your SlimeV2 grow and swim in slime! P.S. There is no specific duration for unstaking funds. Harvest will be burned in old pools, so there's no point in staying in the old pools. 24hours after unstaking is available, the new V2 farms and pools will be made available for staking. We expect a positive response from our auditor prior to farms and pools being deployed. In the meantime a Launch Pool without deposit fee will be provided for yield and reducing sell pressure. High gas fee and you can't unstake?
If you can't unstake or if you have high gas fees upon trying, then you are affected by the bug and you should wait for the block-countdown provided below to finish and unstake afterwards.The block-countdown provides information on when unstaking will be enabled.
We expect the redeployment of the new Farms and Pools to be in the next 48hours.
Stay tuned to the official announcement on Telegram for the ETA when is available.
Slime Finance Telegram : Slime Finance Announcement :
Last updated
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